Your hosts: Minta Allred, Embody Love Movement Facilitator and Kristi Moseley, Mystic Heart Sound Healing will guide you through an evening of deep relaxation and connection to the center of your heart.
All donations are raised to support the international nonprofit Embody Love Movement, on a mission to create a world where all see and speak to themselves and therefore each other as lovable without condition. Through transformational workshops ELM helps female-identifying folk from 7 yrs old through all adulthood leave the limiting beliefs of "not-enoughness", that have been ingrained through societies for generations, behind... And through powerful introspection and process experience, become empowered to value themselves with all their brilliance they have to offer the world. Read more about ELM at ♥
Sound Journey Meditations integrate the profoundly rejuvenating instruments of crystal singing bowls, Tibetan singing bowls, gongs, tuning forks, shamanic drums and voice. In a group setting, participants sit comfortably or lay on the floor, in savasana, and let waves of healing sounds and vibrations wash over them. The calming, harmonizing sounds and the gentle vibrations induce deep peace and profound relaxation, nourishing the physical and emotional bodies.
- Please arrive 15 minutes early to settle into the space and set up your 'cozy nest'
- Parking is limited, we ask that you please carpool for the planet!
- Bring a yoga mat, blanket and small head pillow for your comfort