Celebration of LOVE & the Power of the Heart
Our evening together will be concentrated on diving into our heart space with a few spoken words, breathwork and a sweet sound bath meditation to massage your heart. Come explore the inner landscape of your own Mystic Heart space in celebration of our immense capacity to live in love.
What is a Gong Bath Meditation?
You are bathed in sound, to relax, to be. You snuggle into cozy ‘nest to rest’ on a yoga mat, blanket or cushy padding, while sound waves and vibrations of gongs wash over you. Think of it as a deeply relaxing, extremely rejuvenating sonic massage. Your opportunity to just receive - be nourished, be held in sound and vibration and rise connected, grounded and rejuvenated.
Please bring a yoga mat & PLENTY of padding for your maximum comfort. Bring a favorite blanket & small pillow for your head. Suggested: an eye pillow or cloth to cover your eyes (aids in deeper relaxation). Optional: a bolster or rolled towel for under your knees - eases the lower back. Wear your comfy clothes.
Max: 55 humans. Tickets: $28 per human, $33 at the door. Pre-registration requested. Arrival: free parking. Doors open about 20-25 minutes before event.
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Earlier Event: February 9
Breath & Sound Bath Meditation
Later Event: February 16
Mystic Heart Sound Bath