Ocean Music
This moment was captured by my love, on the stunning island of Maui many moons ago - where the sounds of the ocean's raw power, healing nature, kinetic energy and beauty swirls into your cells, pumping each one of the 36 trillion with life. Sound meditation is a kin to nature's soundscape - why indeed it is so potent. Intentionally crafted soundscapes pierces our DNA. It penetrates our heart space and reminds us that we are the very essence of nature itself - as one of the 8.7 million different creatures of this planet - that we are intrinsically entwined and hold the same wisdom within.
Intentional Soundscapes sneak past our thinking mind, speak directly to us in the spirit/soul/wisdom/heart space - holding us, nurturing us, partnering with us, reminding us, connecting us. We are stirred when we connect in these moments. Neurons in our brains shift, light up and infuse our truth, our inner knowing. Our truth that we are the wisdom that we carry, that our hearts truly know the way and that we are loved beyond measure.
When we rest in stillness, when we receive and experience our full breath, we connect to ourselves - a remembering, a knowing. We can hear the very whispers arising from the rhythm of our heartbeat - the wisdom that resides in our cells, in our DNA - calling us home to the very center of our hearts.
Let us be the waves of love, of wisdom, of wholeness. ~Kristi Lee
Follow @mysticheartbeats on Instagram for more sound offerings and inspirations