Hey, that's my gong!
Hey! That's my gong...
Ohhhhh, this beauty is one of my very favorites! I find her deliciously captivating. Have named her Dark Moon and find myself playing her on those very days when the moon dims from view and by nature intrinsically quiets us.
Her base note is E and deep, deep, deep. Her tone encompassing, like the darkness of the night sky during new moons windows drawing you inward. She carries you into the depths, envelops listeners into states of simply being, of existence. By nature her offering is powerful, strong, intense and drives the exploration of your inner landscapes, of connection, of vastness, of totality.
She is deeply mysterious; full of overtones that sing with that belonging to the cosmic mother. I bow to her lead.
She is a Chau Gong with a very shallow lip compared to most Chaus. And she is deceivingly heavy for her size, a whole lotta unlathed metal - that overflows with rich meditative harmonics and visual gold specs that peak through her dark landscape.
She is one to spend time with, one to be guided by, a revealer. She is to be explored. I find myself playing her longer than intended - she captures me like that - pulling me into a deep dive, an unknown ride of intense vibration and pervading intrigue.
She is scrumptious, I am smitten.
She is potent, I am awestruck.
She is powerful, I am devoted. ~Kristi Lee
Follow @mysticheartbeats on Instagram for more sound offerings and inspirations