He gave Me the Moon

He gave me the moon

He gave me a love affair with its essence, its beauty, its moods

He gave me the curious shape shifting of its very nature, ever changing as we are

He gave me the moon

He gave me the ability to rest in its presence, to experience solitude, to know the silence of simply being

He gave me the memorizing landscape of the sky, a view of its mystical existence

He gave me awe, bedazzlement and a sweetness that bestills my heart when my eyes land on its appearance

He gave me the moon

He gave me the sweet nectar of stillness, the fullness of presence 

He gave me the magic and potency of communing with nature and the internal rewards

He introduced sereneness to my exuberance, planting seeds of harmony and balance

He gave me the moon 

with that he gave me everything

When I set my sights upon the moon, I see him

When I lose myself in its reflection, I am connected to him 

and that is everything

He gave me the moon

the everlasting

He gave me everything   ~Kristi Lee

Pictured: Grotta Sonora Deep Gong

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